import { help_info } from '../utils';
const sys_channel = (channel_id: string) =>
? `is set to <#${channel_id}>.`
: `has not been set.`;
export default (homescope: HomeScope) => {
const { message, args, CONFIG } = homescope;
const { uptime } = message.client;
if (args.length === 0 || args[0] === 'status') {
let msg = `**Bot up and running.**\n`;
msg += `${uptime} milliseconds since last re-boot.\n`;
msg += `system-information channel `;
msg += sys_channel(CONFIG.system_channel);
msg += `\nSee \`${CONFIG.commands.prefix}help system\` for more information.`;
if (args[0] === 'channel') {
const { channels } = message.mentions;
if (channels.size === 0)
return message.reply('System-information channel '
+ sys_channel(CONFIG.system_channel));
CONFIG.system_channel = channels.first().id;
return message.reply(
`System-information channel set to <#${CONFIG.system_channel}>.`);
message.reply(help_info('system', CONFIG.commands.prefix));