
Dumb Discord bot in TS.
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weather.ts (4523B)

import fetch from 'node-fetch';
import { MessageEmbed } from 'discord.js';
const tzlookup = require("tz-lookup");

const DIRECTIONS = [
	'north', 'north east',
	'east', 'south east',
	'south', 'south west',
	'west', 'north west'

const MOON_PHASES = ['🌑', '🌒️', '🌓', '🌔️', '🌕', '🌖️', '🌗', '🌘️'];

const ICONS = {
	'clear-day': '🌞',
	'clear-night': '🌚',
	'rain': '🌧️',
	'snow': '❄️',
	'sleet': '🌨️',
	'wind': '💨',
	'fog': '🌫️',
	'cloudy': '🌥️',
	'partly-cloudy-day': '⛅',
	'partly-cloudy-night': '⛅'

const WEATHER_URL = '';
const GEOCODE_URL = '';

export default async (homescope: HomeScope) => {
	const { message, args, SECRETS, CONFIG, VERSION } = homescope;

	if (args[0] === 'set' && args.length > 1) {
		CONFIG.weather_locations[] = args.tail().join(' ');
		return message.reply(`Your weather location has \
			been set to ${args.tail().join(' ')}`.squeeze());

	const location = args[0]
		? args.join(' ')
		: CONFIG.weather_locations[] || 'Cuckfield';

	if (location == 'Cuckfield')
		message.reply("You should set your default weather location."
		             + ` Use \`${CONFIG.commands.prefix}weather set <location>\`.`);

	const geokey =;

	const error = (e: Error) => {
		message.reply(`Error getting weather\n\`\`\`${e.message}\`\`\``);
		return e;

	let geocoder_json, weather_info, geo_object,
		country_code, tz, openweather_info,
		weather_body, info_body, d, c;
	try {
		const geocoder = await fetch(`${GEOCODE_URL}&apikey=${geokey}`

		geocoder_json = await geocoder.json();
		geo_object = geocoder_json.response

		country_code = geo_object

		const [lon, lat] = geo_object.Point.pos
			.split(' ')
			.map(s => parseFloat(s).round_to(4));
		tz = tzlookup(lat, lon)
		weather_info = await fetch(
				method: 'get',
				headers:  {
					'User-Agent': `Simp-O-Matic/${VERSION}`
		openweather_info = await fetch(
			+ `&units=metric&appid=${SECRETS.openweather.key}`);

		weather_body = await weather_info.text();
		info_body = await openweather_info.text();

		d = JSON.parse(weather_body)
		c = JSON.parse(info_body);
	} catch (e) {
		console.warn(" response: ", weather_body);
		console.warn("openweather response: ", info_body);
		return error(e);

	const { properties } = d;
	const temps = [...Array(24)].map((_, n) =>

	if (! = 'Somewhere';
	if (!geo_object.description)
		geo_object.description = 'Someplace';

	const embed = new MessageEmbed()
		.setTitle(`Cannot get weather information from ${location}.`);

	if (properties && properties.meta) embed
		.setAuthor(`${new Intl.DateTimeFormat('en-CA',
				{ timeZone: tz,
				  timeZoneName: 'short',
				  hour: 'numeric',
				  minute: 'numeric',
				  //year: 'numeric',
				  //month: 'numeric',
				  //day: 'numeric',
				  hour12: false })
					.format(new Date)},`
			+ ` ${},`
			+ ` ${geo_object.description}`,
			{ name: 'daytime',
			  value: c.main.temp_max + '°C',
			  inline: true },
			{ name: 'nighttime',
			  value: c.main.temp_min + '°C',
			  inline: true },
			{ name: 'humidity',
			  value: properties.timeseries[0].data.instant.details.relative_humidity + '%',
			  inline: true },
			{ name: 'wind',
			  value: `${DIRECTIONS[Math.round(properties.timeseries[0].data.instant.details.wind_from_direction / 45) % 8]}`
				+ ` ${properties.timeseries[0].data.instant.details.wind_speed} ㎧`,
			  inline: true })
			'Data provided by Meteorologisk institutt ( and OpenWeatherMap',