// About message
const Discord = require('discord.js');
const Helpers = require('../helpers.js')
exports.run = (client, message, args) => {
var effectLines = message.content.split("\n");
const firstLineArguments = effectLines.shift().split(/ +/); // actual command, plus first line arguments
firstLineArguments.shift(); // remove trigger
let strength = 'moderate';
let drug = 'psychedelic';
if (firstLineArguments.length == 1) {
strength = firstLineArguments[0];
else if (firstLineArguments.length == 2) {
strength = firstLineArguments[0];
drug = firstLineArguments[1];
if (drug == 'disso' || drug == 'dissociative') {
drug = '[dissociative effects](https://effectindex.com/summaries/dissociatives/)';
} else if (drug == 'del' || drug == 'deliriant') {
drug = '[deliriant effects](https://effectindex.com/summaries/deliriants/)';
} else {
drug = '[psychedelic effects](https://effectindex.com/summaries/psychedelics/visual)';
const templateStart = `This is a replication of ${strength} ${drug}. The specific effect/s which are occurring within this replication seem to include:`;
const templateEnd = 'Please reply to this comment if you disagree with this replication analysis or would like to provide general feedback.';
let additionalNotes = '';
// What do i need to make this work?
// Need to have the collector go until a finish message is sent
// All collected messages need to be split if there's a |
// First half needs to be formatted lowercase with hyphens for links
// NEXT UP: search recent messages in #subreddit-moderation for posts by dosebot, with emoji reactions.
// OR be listening to all reactions and push ones that are to dosebot posts in that channel to a list?
// When would that list get reset?
// We want to listen on the messageReactionAdd event for making the post-index.
/* collector.on('collect', m => {
// Stop condition
if (m.content.includes('done')) {
let templateMiddle = '';
for (const effectLine of effectLines) {
// Split message
const spl = effectLine.split('|');
const effect = spl[0].trim();
const notes = (spl[1] || '').trim();
const link = effect.toLowerCase().replace(/ /g, '-');
// **Additional notes:**
if (effect == 'notes') {
additionalNotes = `**Additional notes:**\n> ${notes}`;
else {
const line = `* [**${effect}**](https://effectindex.com/effects/${link}) ${notes}`;
templateMiddle += line + '\n';
message.channel.send('```' + templateStart + '\n\n' + templateMiddle + '\n' + templateEnd + '\n' + additionalNotes + '```');