(%define title "E-mail")
(!DOCTYPE html)
(html :lang en
(%include "components/head.sex"))
(%include "components/header.sex")
(div :id container
(%nav Authenticating)
(p You'll need an E-mail client, such as
(a :href "https://www.thunderbird.net/" Thunderbird) \(for desktop\),
or (a :href "https://sparkmailapp.com/" Spark) \(for mobile\).)
(h2 Configuration)
(p In this example, (code myname) will be your username, hence your
E-mail will be (code myname@knutsen.co).
Note that these are (em not) the same)
(p Your password should already be known, and can be changed at
(a :href "https://user.knutsen.co" user.knutsen.co).)
(p Your (em incoming server) will be IMAP,
and your (em outgoing) will be SMTP, naturally.)
(li IMAP Server: (code mail.knutsen.co:993) over SSL/TLS)
(li IMAP Username: (code myname))
(li SMTP Server: (code mail.knutsen.co:587) over STARTTLS)
(li SMTP Username: (code myname)))
(h2 Example)
(p Here is an example Thunderbird configuration:)
(img :class card
:alt "Configuration example"
:src "./media/email-thunderbird.png")
(%include "components/footer.sex"))))