//! Crate responsible for parsing and compiling
//! the generated AST to Brokkr-bytecode for the
//! Valhalla set theoretic programming language.
include!(concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/version.rs"));
pub const VERSION : (u8, u8, u8) = read_version();
/// Source code sites (location, line, filename, etc.).
pub mod site;
/// Issue messages (warnings, errors, info, etc.).
pub mod issue;
/// Syntax submodule, responsible for lexical analysis,
/// parsing and static analysis.
pub mod syntax;
/// Compiler, transforms AST into stack-based bytecode
/// instructions for the Brokkr VM, and marshals the instructions.
pub mod compiler;
pub use syntax::parse_source;
/// Parses the contents of a file with path `filename : &str`.
pub fn parse(filename : &str) -> syntax::ast::Root {
/// Compile the parse tree.
pub fn compile(root : &syntax::ast::Root) -> compiler::block::LocalBlock {
let mut code_block = compiler::block::LocalBlock::new("<main>", &root.filename);
println!("Code Blocks:\n{}", code_block);
pub fn binary_blob(block : &compiler::block::LocalBlock) -> Vec<u8> {
// Set panic message for compiler bugs and issue messages.
use std::panic;
use colored::*;
pub static mut PANIC_MESSAGE : &str = "";
pub fn set_panic() {
unsafe {
panic::set_hook(Box::new(|msg| {
if PANIC_MESSAGE.is_empty() {
eprintln!("\n{}", "The compiler panicked! This is a bug."
eprintln!("{} {}\n",
} else {
eprintln!(" {} {} {}",
#[cfg(any(feature="loud-panic", feature="debug"))] {
eprintln!("{} {}\n",