* Constant folding.
* A static optimisation that relieves the runtime of having to perform
* pre-computable trivial calculations, by doing them at compile time
* instead. This function takes a node and recurses down, looking
* for arithmetic operations containing exactly two numeric type nodes
* as operands, and performs the stated operation.
use super::ast;
use ast::Nodes;
fn const_fold(node : &Nodes) -> Nodes {
if let Nodes::Call(call) = node {
if call.is_binary() {
let bin_op = call.callee.call().unwrap().callee.ident().unwrap();
let left = const_fold(&call.callee.call().unwrap().operands[0]);
let right = const_fold(&call.operands[0]);
let def = Nodes::Call(ast::CallNode {
callee: Box::new(Nodes::Call(ast::CallNode {
callee: Box::new(const_fold(&*call.callee.call().unwrap().callee)),
operands: vec![left.clone()],
return_type: call.callee.yield_type(),
site: call.callee.call().unwrap().site.clone()
operands: vec![right.clone()],
return_type: call.return_type.clone(),
site: call.site.clone()
let is_num_left = left.num().is_some();
let is_num_right = right.num().is_some();
if is_num_left && is_num_right {
let l_value = left.num().unwrap().value;
let r_value = right.num().unwrap().value;
let value = match bin_op.value.as_str() {
"+" => l_value + r_value,
"-" => l_value - r_value,
"*" => l_value * r_value,
"/" => {
if r_value == ast::Numerics::Natural(0) {
return def;
l_value / r_value
_ => {
return def;
return Nodes::Num(ast::NumNode { value, site: call.site.clone() });
} else {
return def;
return Nodes::Call(ast::CallNode {
callee: Box::new(const_fold(&*call.callee)),
operands: vec![const_fold(&call.operands[0])],
return_type: call.return_type.clone(),
site: call.site.clone()
return node.to_owned();
pub static default : fn(&Nodes) -> Nodes = const_fold;