commit f903d56c9e7bf0f39e759b1cfa48c6b59fd381c4
parent 79b57d377add4382c8ed0338246845cb1dc6a931
Author: Sam <>
Date: Fri, 26 Aug 2022 18:23:15 +0100
added some more blogposts
4 files changed, 132 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/blog/ b/blog/
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+title: Crime and Bullying
+published: 2022-08-23 21:00:00
+The modern attitude towards crime is one of vast excuses.
+Crimes can no longer be committed because someone simply wanted to commit,
+there must be a higher reason, one which is out of their control.
+If they steal it's just because they're poor, if they randomly assault people
+on the street it's because they're a victim of their circumstance, they had
+a poor upbringing don't you see? Society seems to be trying to justify their
+crimes for them, maybe because we just can't bear the idea that bad people
+still exist in the world today, who want to rape and steal for the fun of it.
+Moped gangs aren't going around stealing handbags because they're poor, they're
+doing it because they're greedy and want easy money. People have got to stop
+fooling themselves into thinking that more youth centres will stop chavs from
+stabbing each other.
+The same approach is taken towards bullying in schools. There's a very popular
+assumption that all bullies come from poor broken homes, and they're only
+bullying because they have low self esteem. Whilst that may be true for some,
+that is not the case for most, many actually come from quite good homes,
+some people just find enjoyment in the suffering of others.
+The way both of these situations are seen create issues in dealing with the
+problem. It can't properly be fixed if the perpretrator is also seen as the
diff --git a/blog/ b/blog/
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+title: Academic and Corporate Fetishism
+published: 2022-08-23 21:00:00
+> Fetishising adult life
+> Care more about the *idea* of something, rather than the thing itself
+> Examples: academia, corporate office work, (police, camping, army, cabin)
+> Laten infatilisation? life truly starting too late
+> lack of other goals -> turning work into personality
+There is an increasing fetishisation of academic and corporate life amongst
+young people today. They fawn over clock app videos of office workers toiling
+away doing absolutely nothing. Longing to be a "dark academic", reading dusty
+books, the topic of which is irrelevant, as long as it's leather bound and
+hasn't been touched for at least 50 years.
diff --git a/blog/ b/blog/
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+title: Student Loans
+published: 2022-08-25 18:20:00
+A-level results day happened not too long ago, which means many people will now
+finally find out what university they will attend, and thus their future
+prospects. Many will gain placement to university on an unconditional
+offer, achieving abysmal grades but still getting to attending anyway.
+Many will have signed up for lackluster courses with poor prospects (me)
+at ex-poly univerties (not me) in the hope of having a better career,
+and most importantly to party and drink all day for 3 years.
+Knowing that so many people are going to waste three of the most valuable years
+of their life, and encumber themselves with tens of thousands of pounds worth
+of debt, then why is this allowed to happen? For starters, the way student
+loans are operated in this country is basically that of an extra tax.
+With the interest rates on these loans being so high, graduates will barely
+shave off any of the actual debt, only making payments on the interest for the
+majority of their youth. Which is what this actually is, a youth tax. With the
+recent national insurance increase, young graduates are looking at paying close
+to 50% tax on earnings over £27,000. Money which is sorely needed on a deposit
+for a house. This is certainly part of the reason why the conservative
+government have kept up Blair's "commitment" to higher education. Encourage
+children to make stupid fincancial decisions so you can milk them all the more
+for the next 30 years. This isn't the only reason to funnel sixth formers into
+universities though, university graduates are far more likely to be left wing.
+Blair knew this, the Tories also know it, but are far too stupid and
+cowardly to do anything about it.
+Widespread degree obtainment has made it nigh impossible to find an office job
+without holding one. Which of course causes more people to get degrees just
+to be able to get a professional job, and the cycle continues. This is probably
+responsible for a lot of latent infatilisation amongst young adults today.
+Many of them still feel and act like children. You would think living away
+from home as most students do, having to cook and clean, and study for your
+degree would make you more grown up sooner. The opposite occurs, and in part
+it's probably from the lack of discipline. With no one to tell you to do the
+dishes, or attend lectures, or wake up at a decent time, most students just
+simply don't. This causes a prolonging of the teenage years, now with copious
+amounts of alcohol. Not only is it seen through this, but also in their
+careers and bank accounts. Your adult life used to start at 18, now it starts
+at 21, or maybe even 22. Three years of saving for a house gone, three years
+of a long term relationship possibly ending in a family gone, three years
+of a career gone. This is a huge commitment that's not to be taken lightly,
+but it is made by thousands with more ease than which song they should listen
+to whilst they pretend to pay attention in their maths lesson.
+> becoming loan slaves
+> becoming lefty shills
+> holding up economy of dying towns
+> latent infantilisation
diff --git a/blog/ b/blog/
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+title: Mrs. Langlois
+published: 2022-08-25 18:20:00
+*The old Kentish lady's grandson has just finished secondary school, and so with his free time he wrote a short story. He only
+got a B in English Language though, so don't get your hopes up.*
+Mrs. Langlois was just about to enjoy her second cup of tea after a long six hour day at the local council, when she was
+interrupted by a knock at the door. A police officer, baseball cap still on, informed her of the devastating news.
+"I'm terribly sorry ma'am, your husband was stabbed by a group of youths on his way home from work this afternoon, by the time
+the ambulance arrived he had already passed, I'm very sorry."
+"Oh, if only there was a youth centre where they could've played tabble tennis instead!"
+"I know, it's a real tragedy, their university dreams will be crushed if they're convicted."
+"Sheffield Hallam will be missing out on some truly great minds."
+"I'm sure this will be a very tough time for you, but don't worry, you're on the waiting list for counselling already."
+"Oh thank you so much officer!"
+There was a large turnout for the funeral, many of Mr. Langlois' colleagues turned up, some of the finest human right's lawyers
+in Hertfordshire. Their daughter had taken some time off from work to be with Mrs. Langlois, those graphics will just have to
+design themselves for a bit. Keeping in touch with what he would've wanted, no black was to be worn, it was more of a
+celebration of life, than a mourning of his death. As the wake slowly died down, Miss. Langlois started tidying, and
+Mrs. Langlois had one final cuppa before going off to bed alone.
+Four years pass, Mrs. Langlois still works at the local council doing God's work, having already paid off the mortgage she's
+still living in the same house, she wanted to move, but there are just too many memories of Mr. Langlois there, ah, good old
+Harold. Just after his 21st birthday had passed behind bars, a certain somebody is just getting out of prison early, freshly
+reformed. In a few months he'll be off to university on a full scholarship under the new youth offenders program. The business
+world won't be ready for him, street smarts, and an education, move over Zuckerberg, there's a new fish in the bar.
+It's been eight years now since he passed away, but Mrs. Langlois still misses him every day. Those cuppas with The Chase just
+aren't the same without him. Our little 6'4" businessman is just graduating, with a smashing Third in business management, a few
+scuffles and drug possession incidents almost stopped him, but the youth offenders program didn't want to ruin the life of a top
+mind forever, over a few minor life changing incidents. It's not his fault, he's had a rough upbringing. Once he
+settles into a job he won't have a need to rape and steal anymore, after all, the system works.