commit c2a9055923a3dd23ddd5782d0ab1e8e692c19101
parent 0d685187969bfcd3123055f1bee02ece4e490f5f
Author: Demonstrandum <>
Date: Thu, 26 Nov 2020 01:43:12 +0000
Project status update.
24 files changed, 516 insertions(+), 47 deletions(-)
diff --git a/ b/
@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
+# `valhallac`
+> The Valhalla Compiler
<p align="center">
<img alt="Valhalla Flag" height=230 src="" />
@@ -8,7 +12,9 @@ machine that the compiled bytecode runs on, which is,
[Brokkr VM](
+**`[!!]` Planning a complete rewrite, and balancing work.**
What's been done so far on the front-end:
@@ -43,27 +49,27 @@ What's been done so far on the front-end:
for future interpretation and execution by the virtual machine.
- [ ] ...
-The VM, i.e. the backend for the language, is being developed independently
-and will have its own progress and check-list updates.
+The VM, i.e. the backend for the language, is being developed separately
+and will progress semi-independently.
### Compile & Run
#### Requires Rust Nightly for now.
In your shell, in the root of this repository, you may write:
cargo run [source-file-to-compile.vh] [-o out-file] [-v]
or, have the compiler print out debug information like token streams, syntax trees, symbol tables, bytecode instructions, &ct., use `--features=debug`:
cargo run --features=debug [source-file.vh]
For example, you can run.
-cargo run test_source.vh -v # (verbose)
+cargo run test_source.vh -v # For verbose output.
to demonstrate compilation with the included test-file (`test_source.vh`).
The argument of a source-file to compile is, of course, necessary.
@@ -95,6 +101,6 @@ gathered, it's not a very popular paradigm... Likely for good reason, but hey,
it might be interesting.
### Dependencies
+To be significantly reduced.
diff --git a/samples/colon.vh b/samples/colon.vh
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+-- What does the colon mean?
+:sym -- Symbol
+:(x + y) -- Quoted/Symbolic expression
+f : A -> B -- Type annotation
+do: x y z -- Indented code block
+ a b c
+-- Note:
+-- etc.
+-- Are just short for:
+-- where do:
+-- let do:
+-- in do:
+-- for do:
+-- e.g.
+x where:
+ y = 3
+ x = y + 4
+-- same as,
+x where: y = 3
+ x = y + 4
+-- same as,
+x where do:
+ y = 3
+ x = y + 4
+-- same as,
+x where do
+ y = 3
+ x = y + 4
+-- same as,
+x where {
+ y = 3
+ x = y + 4
+-- same as,
+x where y = 3, x = y + 4
diff --git a/samples/conditional.vh b/samples/conditional.vh
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+-- For example, a piecewise function:
+f : 'A -> 'B -> 'C
+f a b = piecewise do:
+ C a b, a == 1
+ C b a, b == 1
+ C 1 1, otherwise
+-- or
+piecewise {
+ x, p
+ y, q
+ z, otherwise
+-- or write `cond' instead of `piecewise'
+cond do:
+ x, p
+ y, q
+ z, otherwise
+-- for more trivial branching, (with pattern matching)
+-- Exactly the same as the previous f.
+f : 'A -> 'B -> 'C
+f a b = match (a, b) do:
+ (1, _) => C a b
+ (_, 1) => C b a
+ (_, _) => C 1 1
+-- Or, the same again
+f : (a : 'A) -> (b : 'B) -> 'C
+f = curry f' where
+ f' : 'A * 'B -> 'C
+ f' (1, _) = C a b
+ f' (_, 1) = C a b
+ f' (_, _) = C 1 1
+-- Again!
+f : (a : 'A) -> (b : 'B) -> 'C
+f 1 _ = C a b
+f _ 1 = C b a
+f _ _ = C 1 1
+-- And again,
+f : 'A -> 'B -> 'C
+f a@1 b = C a b
+f a b@1 = C b a
+f 1 1 = C 1 1
+-- Example of the special (syntactic) => operator
+S = [ x : Nat => x > 3 ]
+Z = filter f Any where f : Any -> Bool
+ f a = match a do:
+ x : Nat => x > 3 -- This is exactly like in S.
+ _ => False
+-- This is how set builder notation works.
+-- and how the uses of the => operators are related.
+assert (S == Z)
diff --git a/samples/converting.vh b/samples/converting.vh
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+Bool = [ :true
+ :false ]
+True = :true
+False = :false
+assert (1 == 1 <- Bool)
+assert (1 == 2 <- Bool)
+assert ((1 == 1) == :true)
+assert ((1 == 2) == :false)
+b : Int
+b = :true -- Error.
+from : Bool -> Nat
+from :true = 1
+from :false = 0
+b : Nat
+b = :true -- Still an error.
+-- Try again
+b : Real
+b = from :true -- Works!
+assert (b == 1)
+-- What about other types?
+from : Bool -> String -- overloaded.
+from :true = "yes"
+from :false = "no"
+s : String
+s = from :false
+assert (s == "no")
+-- What about:
+c = from :true -- Error!
+-- We don't know what type we're converting to.
+-- We have to use `as` instead.
+c = :true as String
+assert (c <- String)
+assert (c == "yes")
+-- This is how the `as` operator is defined:
+(as) : 'A -> ['B] -> 'B
+item as _ = from item -- We know from the type signature that
+ -- `(from item) <- 'B`, so it is no
+ -- longer ambiguous!
diff --git a/samples/declaration_v_test.vh b/samples/declaration_v_test.vh
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+-- Declare equality
+a = 3
+-- Test equality
+a == 3 -- True
+-- Declare membership
+a : Nat
+-- Test memebership
+a <- Nat -- True
+-- Subset (non-strict)
+A <: Nat
+A -< Nat -- True
+-- Any test can be made into a declaration:
+b : Nat
+b = 4
+-- The Test:
+3 < b < 5 -- True
+-- Made into declaration:
+[ b ] = [ n : Nat => 3 < n < 4 ]
+-- ^^^ This sets (b=0), by pattent matching on a singleton set.
+-- This can ve done for any test, making it into a declaration.
+-- (As long as the test is limiting enough, narrowing it down to
+-- only a singluar value.)
diff --git a/samples/fixity.vh b/samples/fixity.vh
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+-2 3
diff --git a/samples/hello_someone.vh b/samples/hello_someone.vh
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+[ :puts, print
+ :gets, input ] = import :IO
+name = input "> "
+puts "Hello, " + name.captialise + "."
diff --git a/samples/hello_world_function.vh b/samples/hello_world_function.vh
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+io = import :IO
+let: greeting : String -> String
+ greeting name = "Hello, %{name.capitalise}."
+in module Hello
+io::puts <| Hello::greeting place
+ where: place : String
+ place = "World"
diff --git a/samples/indexed_set.vh b/samples/indexed_set.vh
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+-- You could maybe equate this with an 'array'.
+-- Indexed set example:
+S = [ "b"; "c"; "a" ]
+I = [ 0; 1; 2 ]
+-- A is the "array" here
+A : I -> S
+A 0 = "b"
+A 1 = "c"
+A 2 = "a"
+-- or, equivalently
+A = [
+ (0, "b")
+ (1, "c")
+ (2, "a")
+-- This is very cumbersome though, hence the alternate syntax
+A = [| "b"; "c"; "a" |]
+assert (A 1 == "c")
+assert (A -< I * S) -- A is a subset of the cartesian product of I and S.
+-- An indexed ste is similar to,
+-- but not the same as a tuple/ordered pair.
+a = ("b", "c", "d")
+assert (A /= a)
+assert <| all [ nth i a == A i => i <- I ]
diff --git a/samples/mapping.vh b/samples/mapping.vh
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+vec : Nat^3
+vec = (1, 2, 3)
+-- or
+vec = 1,2,3,()
+-- or
+vec = 1,2,3,Empty
+map (2 *) vec -- (2, 4, 6)
+map (n |-> 2*n - 1) vec -- (1, 3, 5)
+-- Image of A under f <=> map f A
+assert <| image vec (2 *) == map (2 *) vec
+assert <| image vec (n |-> 2*n - 1) vec == map (n |-> 2*n - 1) vec
+assert <| image vec ((+ 1) <> (2 *)) vec == map ((+ 1) <> (2 *)) vec
+-- Essentially:
+map : ('A -> 'B) -> 'A^'N -> 'B^'N
+map f () = ()
+map f (x, xs) = (f x, map xs)
+image : 'A^'N -> ('A -> 'B) -> 'B^'N
+image = flip map
+map f A -- Read: Mapping of f on A
+image A f -- Read: Image if A under f
+-- Of course, also works with sets (in the standard library):
+set = [ 2; 1; 3 ]
+image set (+ 10) == [ 13; 12; 11 ]
+map (+ 10) set == [ 11; 13; 12 ]
diff --git a/samples/match.vh b/samples/match.vh
@@ -3,29 +3,29 @@
Product = Tagged Nat^2 * Int -- Makes a constructor.
prod : Product
-prod = [| 2; 7; -66 |] -- Casts implicitly.
---prod = Product [| 2; 7; -66 |]
+prod = (2, 7, -66) -- Casts implicitly.
+--prod = Product (2, 7, -66)
alpha : Boolean
-alpha = match prod:
- [| 0; 0; i |] => i == 0,
- Product [| 2; n; _ |] => n == 2, -- Explicit, but not needed, type is know.
- [| _; _; i |] => i <- Nat | [ -1 ],
- [| n; m; i |] => do:
+alpha = match prod do:
+ (0, 0, i) => i == 0,
+ Product (2, n, _) => n == 2, -- Explicit, but not needed, type is know.
+ (_, _, i) => i <- Nat | [ -1 ],
+ (n, m, i) => do:
n + m == -j where:
j = i + m % 3
beta : Number
beta = match prod {
- [| _; _; i |] => {
+ (_, _, i) => {
j = i + 2
j * m where {
k = 8 - i
m = k ** 3
- [| _; n; _ |] => n * 8,
+ (_, n, _) => n * 8,
_ => 42
diff --git a/samples/moduels.vh b/samples/moduels.vh
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+module Hello where:
+ greet name = "Hello, :{name}!"
+bye = module Bye where:
+ greet name = "Bye, :{name}!"
+Hello::greet "Sam" --> "Hello, Sam!"
+Bye::greet "Sam" -- Error! No such module exists.
+bye::greet "Sam" --> "Bye, Sam!"
+-- ^^ That works.
+assert (bye <- Module) -- Type of `Module'.
+import :IO
+IO::puts "Hi."
+io::puts "Hi." -- Error! `io' does not exist.
+-- OR:
+io = import :IO
+io::puts "Hi."
+IO::puts "Hi." -- Error! `IO' does not exist.
+-- Syntax is general:
+ greet name = "Hi, :{name}!"
+in module Hi
+Hi::greet "Rostislav" --> "Hi, Rostislav!"
+member Hello :greet == Hello::greet
+IO.memeber :greet == Hello::greet
+-- (::) is syntactic sugar for this.
+-- i.e.
+member m e = m::(eval! e)
+m::e = member m :(`e)
diff --git a/samples/non-modules.vh b/samples/non-modules.vh
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+-- `Real' is the set of all real numbers, not a moudle.
+-- But, it can use similar syntax/functions as module,
+-- to represent so-called 'members' of the real numbers.
+-- The mathematical constant e = 2.718...
+-- which is the same as:
+member Real :e
+assert ((round_to (3 dp) Real::e) == 2.718)
+assert ((round_to (3 sf) Real::pi) == 3.14)
+-- Adding a number is done as such:
+--member : [Real] -> Real
+member Real :my_number = 1337
+assert (Real::my_number == 1337)
+-- But for non-pure-number constant, you should
+-- just use a module.
+-- e.g.
+module Universal where:
+ c = 2.998E8
+ G = 6.67408E-11
+ e = -1.602E-19
+ mu_0 = 4 * Real::pi * 1E-7
+schwarzschild_radius m = 2 * Universal::G * m / Universal::c^2
diff --git a/samples/peano_implicit.vh b/samples/peano_implicit.vh
@@ -2,8 +2,10 @@ import :Prelude
io = import :IO
-- We don't need to define Zero and Succ, they can exist
--- as application of functions, and not mean anything more,
--- they perform no computation like normal functions.
+-- as application of functions or intances of themselves,
+-- and not mean anything more, they perform no computation,
+-- unlike normal functions.
N = [ Zero ] | [ Succ n => n <- N ] where:
Zero : N
Succ : N -> N
diff --git a/samples/pi.vh b/samples/pi.vh
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+[ (:puts, puts) ] | io = import :IO
+sum : Number^'N -> Number
+sum () = 0
+sum (x,xs) = x + sum xs
+product : Number^'N -> Number
+product () = 1
+product (x,xs) = x * product xs
+pi n = map ((2 /) <> f) (1..n) |> product |> (* 2)
+ where: f : Nat -> Real
+ f 0 = 0
+ f k = sqrt (2 + f k)
+puts <| pi 20
diff --git a/samples/product_type.vh b/samples/product_type.vh
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
char *name;
double r;
int main(void)
struct Prod prod = { 3, 9, "John", -2.6f };
@@ -28,9 +28,8 @@ Prod = Int^2 * String * Real
-- Prod is a type (set) of the cartesian product of:
-- Two Ints, String and Real.
--- [| ... |] denotes an ordered set, or a 'vector' if you will.
prod : Prod -- prod is an element of Prod (prod has type Prod).
-prod = [| 3; 9; "John"; -2.6 |] -- way to initialise, by just assigning.
+prod = (3, 9,"John", -2.6) -- way to initialise, by just assigning.
-- Now, to access elements of `prod`, we may index normally.
assert (prod[0] is 3)
@@ -61,11 +60,11 @@ y = index 1
name = index 2
r = index 3
--- If we don't include the type signatures here, then
+-- If we don't include the type signatures here, then
-- the functions (x, y, name, etc) would be defined generally
-- for any type overloading the `index` function.
-IO::put "${prod.x}, ${prod.y}, ${} ${prod.r}"
+IO::put "#{prod.x}, #{prod.y}, #{} #{prod.r}"
-- And we've done the same as the C program, but
-- all this can be automated by macros, and we were
@@ -84,19 +83,19 @@ y = index 1
v : Vec2D
-v = [| 1; 2 |] -- Create a Vec2D.
+v = (1, 2) -- Create a Vec2D.
-[| n; m |] : Real^2
-[| n; m |] : Vec2D -- these two type signatures mean the same thing,
+(n, m) : Real^2
+(n, m) : Vec2D -- these two type signatures mean the same thing,
-- Neither type signature are necessary, because we have type inference.
-[| n; m |] = v -- pattern matching assignment.
+(n, m) = v -- pattern matching assignment.
assert (v.x == n)
assert (v.y == m)
show : Vec2D -> String -- overload `show'.
-show v = "(${v.x}, ${v.y})"
+show v = "(#{v.x}, #{v.y})"
IO::puts v -- this calls `show' impicitly,
-- (within the definition of `puts').
diff --git a/samples/raw_hello_world.vh b/samples/raw_hello_world.vh
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-# Without using the prelude, or importing IO...
+-- Without using the prelude, or importing IO...
-_write_stream :STDOUT "Hello, World.\n"
+_write_stream :1 "Hello, World.\n"
diff --git a/samples/singleton.vh b/samples/singleton.vh
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+-- Say we want to represent the smallest non-zero
+-- positive number. Call it omega.
+RealPos = filter (> 0) Real \ [0]
+-- Try one (1):
+omega_1 = index 0 <| collect [ n : Real => 0 < n < m => m <- RealPos ]
+-- This is not quite so great, this will collect the elements
+-- into a vector, and since its a singleton, get the first and only
+-- element. This elememt will be computed after a while, and we'll
+-- get the smallest non-zero, positive 64bit floating-point number.
+-- This is not satisfactory, we want to mathematically represent
+-- this concept.
+-- Try two (2):
+omega_set = [ n : Real => 0 < n < m => m <- RealPos ]
+-- Verify that this set is indeed a singleton.
+assert (singleton? omega_set) --> :true
+-- Extract the singleton:
+omega_2 = singleton omega_set
+-- or even better, with a pattern match.
+[ omega ] = [ n : Real => 0 < n < m => m <- RealPos ]
+assert (omega_2 == omega)
+-- Simpler examples:
+a : Nat
+[ a ] = [ n : Nat => 1 < n < 3 ]
+assert (a == 2)
+assert (singleton? [ n : Nat => 2 < n < 4 ] == :true)
+assert (singleton? [ n : Real => 2 < n < 4 ] == :false)
diff --git a/samples/subsets.vh b/samples/subsets.vh
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-- I is subset of the integers.
I <: Int
-I : Power(Int) -- the same
+I : Power(Int) -- the same as above
-- n and m are both integers.
-[| n; m |] : I^2
-[| n; m |] : I*I -- the same
+(n, m) : I^2
+(n, m) : I*I -- the same as above
diff --git a/samples/syntax.vh b/samples/syntax.vh
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+if_then_else : Bool -> Code -> Code -> 'Value where Code = Quote 'Value
+if_then_else condition consequence alternative
+ = !eval <| piecewise { consequence, condition; alternative, otherwise }
+syntax :(if #p then #c else #a) = if_then_else #p #c #a
+-- ^^^ The expression to match ^^^ what it evaluates to
+-- Alt.
+mixfix (if # then # else #) if_the_else 10
+-- ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^ Mixfix precedence.
+-- | | |The function whose parameters are given by the #s.
+-- | |The expression to match.
+-- |Alternative to {infix, prefix, postfix/suffix} when there are >2 paramters.
+x = if 1 == 1
+ then "Hi."
+ else "Bye."
+assert <| x == "Hi."
+-- Maybe you'd want French syntax, you can define that.
+syntax :(si #p alors #c sinon #a) = if_then_else #p #c #a
+-- Alt.
+mixfix (si#alors#sinon#) if_then_else 10
+y = si 1 == 1
+ alors "Bonjour."
+ sinon "Au revoir."
+affirmer = assert
+affirmer <| y == "Bonjour."
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ use ::valhallac;
use std::env;
use std::{fs::File, path::Path};
-use std::io::Write;
+use std::{fmt, io::Write};
use std::time::Instant;
use std::collections::HashMap;
@@ -57,13 +57,20 @@ fn collect_flags() -> HashMap<Flags, String> {
} else if arg_str.starts_with('-') {
let chars = arg_str.split("");
for c in chars {
- if c == "-" { continue; }
- if c == "v" {
- singleton(Flags::Verbose);
- } else if c == "o" {
- maybe_argument = Some(Flags::Out);
- singleton(Flags::Out);
- }
+ match c {
+ "-" | "" => continue,
+ "v" => singleton(Flags::Verbose),
+ "o" => {
+ maybe_argument = Some(Flags::Out);
+ singleton(Flags::Out)
+ },
+ "V" => singleton(Flags::Version),
+ chr => {
+ argument_error(
+ format!("`-{}' option does not exist.", chr));
+ std::process::exit(1)
+ }
+ };
@@ -78,8 +85,8 @@ macro_rules! not_debug {
-fn argument_error(msg : &str) {
- println!("{} {}", "[**]".red().bold(), msg.bold());
+fn argument_error(msg : impl fmt::Display) {
+ println!("{} {}", "[**]".red().bold(), msg.to_string().bold());
lazy_static! {
@@ -119,7 +126,7 @@ pub fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
for file in files {
not_debug!(verbose, {
- println!("{}{} `{}'...", *INFO,
+ println!("{}{} `{}'", *INFO,
@@ -135,7 +142,7 @@ pub fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
// Then compile into series of instructions,
// stored as a code block.
not_debug!(verbose, {
- println!("{}{}...", *INFO,
+ println!("{}{}", *INFO,
let block = valhallac::compile(&root);
diff --git a/src/syntax/analysis/ b/src/syntax/analysis/
@@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ pub fn resolve_branch(&mut self, branch : &Nodes) -> Nodes {
if let Nodes::Call(ref mut appl_1) = *appl_0.callee {
if let Nodes::Ident(ref ident_1) = *appl_1.callee {
match ident_1.value.as_ref() {
- "->" => panic!("We should have prevented this."),
+ //"->" => panic!("We should have prevented this."),
":" => {
self.resolve_annotation(appl_0_clone, appl_1.clone());
// FIXME: Should we really replace the annotation with a nil?
diff --git a/src/syntax/ b/src/syntax/
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ pub enum Side {
/// Operator information, including:
/// - The string, representing what the operator looks like.
-/// - Its precedence (as an i32), the higher the int, the higher the precedence.
+/// - Its precedence (as an i32), the higher the int, the higher the precedence
/// - Associativity, which can either be left, right, or no associativity.
/// - The number of arguments it takes / its arity. Either one, or two.
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
diff --git a/test_source.vh b/test_source.vh
@@ -1,6 +1,13 @@
-- TODO: Test overloading with `f`.
-- TODO: Test casting from subsets of Real, upto Real.
+R = Real
+BinaryType = R -> R -> R
+(*) : BinaryType
+(+) : BinaryType
+(-) : BinaryType
f : Real -> Real -> Real
f a b = (1 + 1) * a + b -- 2a + b